Thanawala Consultancy

Employee Benefit

Manage Your Employee Benefits Optimally

Stock Options

Employee Stock Options

Reward Points

Reward Points Valuation


Warranty Provisions

What do we offer?


We carry out valuations and prepare accounting disclosures for a wide range of post-employment and other long-term employee benefits.

Employee Stock

Based on our expertise in understanding ESOP schemes and accounting standards, we help you assess the value of the employee stock option.

Reward Points

We customize reward point valuations by tailoring actuarial models to account for the nuances and salient features of different rewards schemes.

Warranty Provisions

Using actuarial principles, we build scientific models to determine the liability pertaining to warranties provided for replacements/repairs.

How can we help?

& Sensitivities

We provide advice on the best methods for setting reasonable assumptions and also help clients understand how sensitive the liability is to each assumption so they can take an informed decision.
Premium rates have been on the rise in recent periods


Our funding advice to clients help them balance the risk and reward of pre-funding a liability in the most tax efficient manner and also discuss the various investment options available to the client.


We provide guidance on how the level of benefits to the employees can be optimized for a given level of cost for the company while at the same time being compliant as required by the law.

& Accounting

Get in touch with us to understand more about any impending legislative changes or amendments to the accounting standards to plan for the impact of these in the company’s financials.
Latest at Thanawala Consultancy

News & Announcements

Rules by Govt of Karnataka on Gratuity Funding
Rules by Govt of Karnataka on Gratuity Funding
Introduction The Government of Karnataka published and made effective the Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules, 2024 on 10th January 2024. This notification pertains to the funding of gratuity liabilities of an establishment which is not under the control of Central Government or State Government. Stipulations The Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules, 2024 state that every...
Increase in Tax Exempt Limit for Leave Encashment
Increase in Tax Exempt Limit for Leave Encashment
Introduction The Union Budget for FY 2023-24 had a plethora of talking points from an individual taxpayer’s perspective as well as from the point of view of the economy as a whole. One of the key takeaways, from an employee-benefit standpoint, was the increase in the exemption limit for leave encashment from INR 3 lakhs...
ISO Certification
ISO Certification
Processing of data is central to the various services we provide to our clients and without data we would not be in a position to provide such services. We are, however, very conscious of the sensitivity and confidentiality of the data shared by our clients and the need to protect the same. It has always...
New Partner: Harshit Agarwal
New Partner: Harshit Agarwal
It gives us great pleasure to announce that Thanawala Consultancy Services, currently a sole proprietorship, will be converting into a partnership firm with effect from 1 April 2022 by inducting Harshit Agarwal as a partner in the firm. Harshit is a Fellow member of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries, UK (FIA) as well as...

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Copyright @2021 Thanawala Consultancy Services.

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